There are many signs that must arouse our attention, and lead us to change our pillow, perhaps opting for a new memory pillow.
Excluding cervical pain, which naturally represents the main symptom, we can observe if in the morning we find the pillow away from the bed or simply moved. This situation is very common when the pillow proves to provide unpleasant sensations, which influence the semi-sleep, such as excessive heat (non-breathable material), excessive hardness that generates muscle tension, or material that causes allergies (old wool pillows, for example, which retain and facilitate the proliferation of dust mites). Some subjects tend to have the habit of putting an arm under the cuscino cervicale, subconsciously denoting that probably the height of the pillow is not perfect ..
When to change the pillow:
The guanciale memory, like the mattress, is an object that has no eternal life. In fact, a very important consideration must be made about hygiene: every night we have a loss of liquids and body waste (especially at night with a variation of about 500 grams of liquids, cell turnover, hair). This loss remains on the pillow and mattress, revealing itself to be a perfect “Feed” for mites, which are at the basis of allergic rhinitis, asthma, and above all allergies.
If we add to this that the materials that make up the cheek pads undergo structural changes, which affect the performance on the response in terms of force that must be given to the resting head, for 7-9 hours a night for 365 days a year.
For these reasons, the pillow must be replaced once every 3-4 years.
What is memory foam and why everyone is looking for the memory pillow:
Memory foam is a particular industrial compound consisting of polyurethane foam, to which one or more chemical additives have been added to regulate its structural density.
Fundamental and peculiar feature is certainly that of modifying and welcoming the body district on which it rests, thanks to body heat, thus managing to model itself perfectly in a few seconds.

The density determines the response in thrust, upwards which still manages to offer a pillow or mattress in memory foam. What makes a pillow or mattress particularly suitable is the natural and uniform distribution of weight during sleep, to then return to its original condition as soon as the pressure is eliminated. So every night your pillow will be like new, and ready to welcome you perfectly.
The aerospace studies of NASA in the late 60s led to the discovery and use of this material.The goal of the researchers was to give maximum comfort to their astronauts and improve the safety of aircraft by exploiting the thermo-sensitivity to achieve their purpose. They later began marketing memory foam, applying it to medical and sports equipment. Since then, after significant improvements both in the production and structural fields, its diffusion has been global and its use has been expanded to offer the same comfort in everyday life: the mattress and the memory pillow in the first place, but the use has been expanded. also to medical supplies, for example for long-term patients or patients with postural problems. Other materials have been added to improve its properties such as aloe vera and green tea extract such as aromatherapy, activated carbon to reduce odors, bamboo fiber to eliminate body moisture …
Today the very composition of the material makes a memory cushion different from the competition, and a study of the composition must be done carefully.
How to determine the right height of a pillow:
This is one of the most frequently asked questions that our patients ask us. The answer cannot be univocal, but rather, it must be accompanied by an in-depth analysis.
cushion height
First we need to clarify what position one assumes during sleep: Supine, on the side, on the side with one arm under the pillow, prone (belly down).
Guanciale memory foam If you sleep in a supine position (belly up), the best choice is the “soap” memory pillow “fitting” it up to the shoulders. This condition supports the weight of the head and does not cause the neck to bend. A pillow that is not too thin should be chosen, because the weight of the shoulders tends to crush it, and there is a risk of being insufficient.
Latex pillow If you sleep on your side, however, the pillow must be firm enough, and must support the weight of your head without sinking. The space between shoulder and head must be taken into consideration, as the pillow must be placed in that space, and favor an alignment of the cervical spine with respect to the dorsal and lumbar spine. In this case we recommend latex pillows, which are a fair compromise of rigidity. Alternatively, however, a good memory is still correct.
If you sleep on your side with one arm underneath, take into account the greater bulk of the arm, so choose a soft and not bulky pillow .. In this case we recommend the goose down pillow, as the support offers it the arm, and the pillow only contributes to the achievement of the purpose of aligning the cervical and dorsal spine.
In the case of sleep on the stomach, well we are talking about an unnatural position, which leads to a rotation to one side. This condition does not require a pillow, which would instead make the situation worse. However, we feel we should discourage this highly harmful and wrong practice.
In the case of complex problems in which the subject is affected by hernias or protrusions, the choice of the migloire pillow must be careful and made together with an expert who must evaluate the condition and the vertebral position through a cervical x-ray and recommend the best solution that of course varies from case to case.
Centro Scampoli srl
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Company Name: centro scampoli srl
Contact Person: Fabio Schiavi
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Source: www.PRExhibition.com
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